**Includes spoilers**
The Incredibles is about a family of undercover superheroes. Bob Parr (formerly Mr. Incredible) and his wife Helen (formerly Elastagirl) have been forced, along with all other superheroes, to give up their superhero duties and take on ordinary names and lives within the community. The couple now have three children with super powers of their own: Violet, Dash and Jack-Jack. The film focuses on Bob's struggle to give up his superhero life. He takes on a job for a private company testing the strength and intelligence of a new robot; he loves the job as it gives him a chance to use his super strength once again. However, it turns out that the man behind the company is a new evil villain named Syndrome, once an obsessed fan of Mr. Incredible's. When the truth comes out the whole family ends up getting involved in the situation. The kids learn more about the superpowers they were previously ordered to suppress and the family learn to work together.
I always enjoy this film way more than I think I'm going to whenever I watch it. The mix of ordinary family life with the fact that they are also superheroes is perfect. As always with Pixar films each of the characters has their own believable personality for the audience to become invested in. Even Helen and Bob's old friend and fashion designer Edna Mode is absolutely hilarious. Voiced by director Brad Bird, Edna is one of the best Pixar characters and yet isn't really vital to the main plot. Even though the main characters are fighting robots and super-villians they are still totally relatable. One of the scenes that always sticks out in my mind is in the climax of the film when the rest of the family have freed Bob and, suited and booted in their superhero outfits, end up driving a motor-home through the city to the robot's location. Not yet worried about the robot awaiting them, Bob and Helen end up having a full-blown argument about which turn-off they need to take. My family and I crack up at that part EVERY time, because it's exactly like us when we drive somewhere! The Incredibles may be a group of superheroes, but at the same time they are still a normal family.
Throughout the film it is thought that baby Jack-Jack does not have any superpowers, but at the end of the film he shows his true colours... ALL of them. He has an array of crazy powers which help to save him from Syndrome's last attempt to destroy the family. I really want to know what's next for the family, especially in terms of Jack-Jack's development with his powers. Of all the Pixar films I'd say this is the one that most obviously lends itself to a sequel, but nothing has happened... yet.
The Incredibles 2, please, John Lasseter?
Picture For Thought
Number 3 on my list features this cutie, and it might not be a feature-length film.
**Includes Spoilers**
Toy Story 3 is (obviously) the third film in the Toy Story saga.
In this one Andy is getting ready to go off to university and at the beginning of the film is packing his room away. As per usual there is an accident that sparks the toys' feature-length adventure. Andy puts his toys in a bin bag with the intention of storing them in the attic. There is a misunderstanding when Andy's mum puts the bag out on the footpath as rubbish! The poor toys assume that Andy no longer wants them and they decide to go to Sunnyside Daycare Centre to make some new children happy. But Sunnyside turns out not to be the paradise they dreamed of.
Toy Story 3 is a brilliant film, but possibly only just made my Top Five, because of its release date. It was released in the summer of 2010, the summer before I went to university. Emotionally, Toy Story 3 hit me hard. Andy was saying goodbye to his childhood things and childhood itself. I totally related and I know many of my other friends going to university did too!
The toys go through A LOT in the film, right from simple arguments to a near-death experience! I'd say, not surprisingly, the near-death experience is the emotional peak of the film. The characters are as endearing as ever and still have their brilliant variety of personalities. One of my favourite new characters in this one has to be Ken, he's so naive and stereo-typically vain, but along with that he ultimately has good intentions and just wants everyone to live in harmony.
At the end of the film Andy chooses to give Woody and the other toys to a sweet little girl called Bonnie, who we learn to love throughout the film. When I saw this in the cinema there was a very small percentage of dry eyes at this point. I have to admit I did tear up a little. The film ended on a good vibe though- an end of an era turning into a new beginning.
The one thing that I hate about this film is that Bo Peep is never involved. At the beginning in Andy's room the toys discuss how little of them are still left and there is a passing comment that Bo has gone too. But where to!? The whole way through the film I was telling myself that Bo would be at Bonnie's house and that she and Woody would be emotionally reunited at the end, but no such luck. I was devastated. A Toy Story 4 is being planned though and I have everything crossed that she'll somehow make it back to Woody and they'll be together once more!
Picture For Thought
My number 4 film on the list features this absolute legend of a fashion designer.
On the 12th of July the next Pixar film is going to be released in the UK!
Monsters University is the prequel to Monsters Inc (2011) and will tell the tale of how Mike and Sulley first met when they were at university.
I am a HUGE Pixar fan and I'm so excited for the 12th July! Only 40 days to go!
In honour of the new film, and to keep myself preoccupied while I wait for its release, I've decided to write five blogs about my Top Five Pixar films.
It took me a while to write down my top 5, it was SO difficult. I'm sure after I've written the blogs the order will change. Maybe I should do my Top Five Pixar films each year and see how they change!
Picture For Thought
The film that makes No.5 on my Top Five Pixar Films is the one in which we first meet these cheeky peas!